«DrumPower» for Munich Schools –
Frequently Asked Questions

What are the costs of the school?
The free music centre is responsible for the personnel costs, supported by the City of Munich. If your school has the rooms and the instruments, there are no procurement, rental or transport costs.

Who carries out the DrumPower projects?
Music therapists with additional qualification DrumPower-Trainer perform the projects.

Where do the DrumPower projects take place?
In the rooms of the school e.g. music hall, classroom

Where do the instruments come from?
We are happy to use our own instruments or advise the school if it wants to buy drums. The Freie Musik Zentrum also lends drums and, if necessary, other instruments for a small fee.

How long does the project take?
A half-yearly project takes place once a week in 2 school hours. As intensive days, the project can be arranged for a one-time 2 consecutive days of 3 school hours each or 3 days of 2 school hours each. In order to get to know each other, 2 school hours are usually sufficient. Our more than 10 years of experience and scientific studies show that the longer it lasts, the more intense and lasting the impact of a project.

What is a workshop performance?
This is a performance in which the courage to present oneself, the creativity and the joy of music are in the foreground, not the musical skill. We make sure that the audience is chosen in such a way that the students can have a positive, self-esteemed experience.

What previous musical knowledge do the students and teachers need for the project?
No prior musical knowledge is required. The DrumPower trainers orientate themselves on the previous experiences of the class and prepare themselves methodically for it.

Does a teacher need to be present during the project hours?
Working with the teacher is important to us because he/she is familiar with the school rules and the students. The teacher is involved in the dynamic process and can later refer to what has been learned and experienced in everyday and conflict situations. The teacher keeps in contact with the students between the project contents and everyday school life.
If necessary, an hour can take place without the teacher.

How can DrumPower act as a preventative of violence?
Numerous studies and our many years of experience show that various factors supported by DrumPower are important for this:

  • Receive recognition from others
  • Strengthening self-confidence
  • Ability to say "no"
  • Empathy and self-perception
  • Positive community experiences
  • Dealing with one's own aggression, strength and anger
  • Control of one's own affect and impulses
  • The ability to resolve conflicts
  • Opportunities for action by "uninvolved spectators"

What is important to us:

  • Teacher's interest in the project
  • Class's interest in the project
  • Close cooperation with the teacher
  • Teacher's time for pre- and post-interviews as well as supervision

Brochure «DrumPower» for Munich Schools
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TrommelPower gegen Gewalt | Freies Musikzentrum e.V. München | München-Projekt

for Munich Schools

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