DrumPower-Co-operation Project in Munich

by Henrike Roisch and Nastasja Neumann

In the week from the 5th to the 9th of December 2016, for the first time, a drumpower project took place for two classes. A second elementary school class and a third class of the Förderschule took part in this co-operation project sponsored by the Kulturreferat München. Both types of schools are united in one building.

The students of both classes drummed, improvised, sang and learned a bodypercussion separately. Then, in the common hours, they were drumming, singing, dancing, , playing and laughing together.

DrumPower Against Violence | Freies Musikzentrum e.V. Munich

In some games the children had to learn to be losers in addition to jubilant winners. And very well, all the students were able to understand and to explain how nice it is to be part of a group and how sad you are when you do not belong.

DrumPower Against Violence | Freies Musikzentrum e.V. Munich

Because the children had worked so diligently and concentrated, they were allowed to rest, while the trainers were singing and playing on different instruments. A delicate « meow» of a child made everyone laugh and remained unforgettable.
During the set-up, dismantling and performance of the show, they all helped and bowed to the audience after the song « am strong, ...».

DrumPower Against Violence | Freies Musikzentrum e.V. Munich

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